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Popis: The programme begins with a brief analysis of the plot, which connects a literary man from Moscow, Andrei Gorchakov, who is conducting research on the life of Pavel Sosnovsky – the Russian composer who toured Italy at the end of 1700-, and his assistant Eugenia, with Domenico, an “outcast of society”, who, in the past, had locked his family at home believing that the end of the world was near. The note mentions characteristically that in the film the pictures speak and the voices are heard from everywhere, intensifying Andrei’s nostalgia, “which resembles the loss of hope and faith”, adding that “Tarkovsky tells us, through Gorchakov, that no one else can understand what it means to be a Russian and live abroad […], what NOSTALGHIA means for a Russian”. Finally, the programme evaluates the film by the one-of-a-kind director as “at times beautiful” and “stylistically interesting”.
Poskytovatel: Tainiothiki tis Ellados